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Standings playoff tie breakers when teams tie in points. 

1st form of tie break will be  goal difference.

2nd tie break will be in season game result of teams that are tied. (If two teams are tied, if a 3rd team is tied, this tie break will not be used) 

3rd tie break will be goals against. Team with least goals against. Will be seeded higher. 

4th tie break will be goals in favor. Team with the most goals scored will be seeded higher.

• The chronometer will start to run at the indicated time of the match
• It will have a duration of 45 minutes per time and 10 minutes of rest.
• It will have a maximum wait of 5 minutes, to start the match, which will be deducted from the half time rest. 
• If a match is postponed by weather, it will be played as soon as there is an available field in which the two teams agree. (Subject to reason for cancellation of the match).
• In case a game is canceled due to rain, thunderstorm or loss of power, please wait 30 minutes to resume. If the conditions do not improve and more than 45 minutes have been played, the game will be terminated with the score being valid. If it has been less than 45 min. The remaining time will be played on a day and time when the teams involved agree.
• Match won by W.0 will result in 3x0 and a fine of $ $200.00 to the team that did not appear
• After completing each match, the team delegate, coach or owner must sign the roster and thus have knowledge and verify the data about goals, cards and referee reports. NO claims will be accepted if the roster is unsigned.
• If a team withdraws during the course of the match, it will lose the points and the final result of the match will be 3x0 (will be subject to the referee report). The team will be repla
ced when we have team available and there will be no refunds on registration.

• To file any game demand, please send an email to us up to 48 hours after the game ended. After this deadline, the claim will not be valid.
• The team that loses the claim will lose the points disputed in the game and will have a final result of W-0 (3x0).
• A team may claim and claim their points in the following cases:

1. If a suspended player participates in the match.

2.If a player impersonates another player in the roster (or plays under a different name).
3. If a team owner withdraws his team before the end of the match.
4. If the referee decides to end the game for lack of guarantees.

• All of the above is subject to the referees' report. They must ensure that the situation presented was real. And that it was approved by Director of referees.



• Physical aggression or attempting to assault a referee and/or player: Suspension for ten (5-10) Weeks of all leagues organized by the company and a fine. (Subject to the referee report)
• Spits at opponent or any other person: suspension of the tournament for ten (10) Weeks and a $100.00 fine.
• Attempted aggression to a player: 2-5 games (Subject to referee's report).
• Using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures (Verbal aggression to a referee): 2 games and a fine (Subject to referee's report).
• Using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures (Verbal aggression to a player): 1-3 games and a fine. (Subject to referee's report).
• Violent conduct: 2-5 Games and a fine
• Mutual Aggression: 2-5 games and a fine
• Serious Foul Play: 2 Games and a fine 
• Receiving a Second Caution in the same match (Double yellow): 1 Game no fine. 
• Unsportsmanlike Behavior: Any action that occurs on and off the field, in which the Player lacks respect for the referee, assistants or another player including the same team. It will have a suspension between 1-5 games and a fine according to the gravity of the action.
• Racist Expressions: (hate speech, derogatory remarks, etc.) 3 games. 
• Repeated infringements: in any of the serious offenses the suspension and the fine will be doubled.
• Concurrent Infringements (Red Cards Accumulated): Each Three (3) Red Cards in the same league, the player will be suspended 5 games and will pay a $50.00 fine.
• Any act of indiscipline: on the premises of the park, by players, managers, and fans, will be analyzed in an extraordinary meeting among those involved.
• Sanction by W.0: Teams that do now show up to a game must pay $300.00. The Team could be replaced by a team in the waiting list.
• Fraud: A player who commits fraud (playing while suspended, playing with another name, etc.) will have an additional suspension of 3 Games and a $30.00 fine

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